How to keep eyes cool during summer

How to keep eyes cool in summer

As the summer sun beats down, it’s not just your skin that needs protection – your eyes require special attention too. The intense heat and UV rays can pose significant risks to your eye health, leading to various issues such as conjunctivitis, infections, redness, and even migraines. Hence, safeguarding your vision during the summer months … Read more

How to avoid sunstroke in summer months: Common Sense Guidelines

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 It’s crucial  for us to keep cool to prevent heat-related issues like heat exhaustion and heat stroke, but have you ever thought of how to avoid sunstroke in summer months? When your body struggles to regulate its core temperature, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke can set in. Being exposed to excessive heat can lead to … Read more

Green Tea – Health Benefits, Side Effects And Contraindications

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  Green tea, a beverage cherished for centuries, has transcended its humble origins in China to become a global symbol of health and well-being. With a history steeped in tradition and an array of remarkable benefits, green tea is more than just a refreshing drink; it’s an elixir for the body and mind.   What … Read more

Headache : How to Treat and Prevent


Our body works in complex ways and all our actions have potential consequences; headache is the one among them. They’re the most common form of pain and are a major reason cited for days missed at work or school, as well as visits to healthcare providers. Headache !! What does it mean? “A headache is … Read more