Surprising Human Brain Facts : Brain’s Secrets

Surprising Human Brain Facts : Brain’s Secrets

The human brain is one of the most amazing and important organs of the human body. It is the command center and the only part of the body, which helps us learn, think and remember different things. It is the central organ of the human nervous system which is primarily involved in relaying information between the brain and the body. The human brain receives input signals from the sensory organs.

Amazing And Mysterious Human Brain Facts

There are many amazing facts about the brain that we are not aware of. Some interesting brain facts are listed below…

1. The human brain cannot feel pain as it has no receptors. It contains about 86 billion nerve cells.

2. The human brain can survive for about 5 to 10 minutes without oxygen, 2 days without water, 11 days without sleeping, and 20 days without food.

3. A human brain is more active and works faster when we are tired and during the nights times when we are sleeping. 

4. Our brain continues to grow until the age of 18 and it has a memory capacity equivalent or more than the four terabytes on a hard drive.

5. About 1 liter of blood flows through it every minute. The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen. Just five minutes without oxygen can lead to the death of brain cells, resulting in serious damage.

6. 25% of body cholesterol is present in the brain, making it the fattest organ in the body.

7. Neurons in the brain multiply more than 200000 neurons per minute during the time of pregnancy.

8. There are no two identical cells in the brain. 

9. Children have big heads to support their fast-growing brains. A two-year-old’s brain is 80% of the size of an adult’s.

10. Seafood is the most beneficial diet for the human brain, as it contains fatty acid which can increase the brain’s performance up to 15%.

11. Only at the age of 25 (for men) and 23 years (for girls) does the brain reach full maturity. 

12. Brain cells eat each other as the last source of energy to prevent death. Thus, a diet, especially one that is low in fat, can force the brain to eat itself.

13. Both the left and right-hand side brains always work together and there is no division between them.

14. During any brain surgery, a part of the human brain is removed, which has no effect on memory or personality.

15. As per recent studies, the smell of chocolate increases brain waves.

16. Teens are more likely to forget what day it is or where they put their keys than their parents. 

17. Technology is forcing most of us to become “multi-taskers”. But our brain cannot concentrate on two things at the same time. 

18. The tissues of the human brain are loose. They are very fragile and soft, similar to the consistency of soft tofu or gelatin.

19. The blood-brain barrier protects the brain by preventing the entry of many foreign substances from the vascular system into it.

Human Brain is a mystery
Human Brain is a mysterious organ

21. Synesthesia is a condition in which stimulation of one sense organ causes the perception of another sense. People with synesthesia may “taste” words, “smell” sounds, or perceive numbers as colors.