How To Make Your Perfume Last Longer

Perfume is a powerful accessory that can enhance your style and leave a lasting impression. However, the longevity of your perfume can often be a concern. To ensure your favorite scents linger throughout the day, we’ve compiled 9 tips on how to make your perfume last longer.

9 proven tips on How To Make Your Perfume Last Longer

1. Spray perfume on damp skin

How to make your perfume last longer-apply on damp skin
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  • After your shower, pat your skin with a clean towel to remove excess moisture. Your skin should be damp, not wet.
  • Spritz your perfume on your damp skin. The moisture on your skin helps lock in the fragrance, allowing it to linger longer.
  • After applying the perfume, avoid rubbing it into your skin. Let it air dry naturally.

2. Moisturize before applying

Moisturize before perfume application
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  • Moisturized skin holds fragrance better. Apply an unscented moisturizer or lotion before spraying your perfume.
  • Hydrated skin helps to lock in the scent and prevent it from evaporating too quickly. Using an unscented moisturizer is recommended to avoid clashing scents.

3. Apply to pulse points

Apply to pulse points
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  • pulse points emit heat, enhancing the diffusion of fragrance. Pulse points are areas on your body where your blood vessels are closer to the skin’s surface, generating heat that helps to diffuse and amplify the scent of your perfume.
  • Pulse points include elbows, inside wrist, inside elbow, behind ears, base of the neck, and behind knee.
How To Make Your Perfume Last Longer-just apply on pulse points
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4. Layering

Layering your fragrance is a fantastic way to ensure that your perfume lasts longer and has a more pronounced presence.

Layering the perfume
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  • Use a shower gel or soap with the same scent as your perfume. This cleanses your skin while adding a base layer of fragrance.
  • By layering your fragrance, you build a multi-dimensional scent profile that’s more likely to last throughout the day.

Have a look: How to choose perfect cleanser

5. Spray on clothes not just skin

Spray perfume on clothes too
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  • Spraying your perfume on your clothes is indeed a great way to make the fragrance last longer. Fabrics can hold onto scent for a longer period than your skin, providing a continuous and subtle scent throughout the day.
  • Maintain a bit of distance when spraying, as some perfumes can leave visible spots if sprayed too closely.
  • Apply the perfume lightly to your clothing, as over-spraying can make the scent too intense and might not be pleasant.

6. Choose right fabric

Choosing the right fabric when spraying perfume on your clothing is important to ensure that the fragrance lasts longer and doesn’t cause any damage or staining.

  • Natural Fibers: Fabrics like cotton, linen, and silk tend to hold perfume scents well and are less likely to be damaged by it.
  • Avoid Synthetic Fabrics: Synthetic materials like polyester can trap odors and may not allow the perfume to disperse properly. They also have a higher risk of staining.
  • Layer with Caution: Heavily textured or thick fabrics may not hold the scent as effectively, so be mindful of the type of clothing you’re spraying.
  • Light-Colored Fabrics: Light-colored fabrics are generally safer for perfume application, as any potential staining or discoloration is less noticeable.

7. Select a perfume with a strong base note

The base notes are the longest-lasting and typically include ingredients like woods, resins, vanilla, or musk.

Select a fragrance with a strong base
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  • Read Fragrance Descriptions: When shopping for a new perfume, pay attention to the fragrance descriptions. Look for terms like “warm,” “woody,” “musky,” or “oriental” as these often indicate a perfume with strong base notes.
  • Ask for Recommendations: If you’re unsure which perfumes have a strong base note, consult with fragrance experts at a perfume store or seek recommendations from friends or online communities dedicated to perfumes.
  • Sample Before Buying: Always sample the fragrance on your skin before making a purchase. This allows you to experience how the base notes evolve on your skin over time.
  • Consider Your Preferences: Think about the scents you enjoy. If you like woody, musky, or vanilla-based fragrances, you’re likely to find perfumes with strong base notes appealing.

8. Hair mist

Using a hair mist is a clever and effective way to make your perfume last longer.

Hair mist
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  • Purchase or Create a Hair Mist: Many fragrance brands offer dedicated hair mists that are specifically formulated to be gentle on your hair and provide a long-lasting scent. You can also make your own by diluting a small amount of your perfume with water in a spray bottle.
  • Apply Lightly: Hold the hair mist a few inches away from your hair and lightly spritz it. Avoid saturating your hair, as this can lead to product buildup.
  • Comb Through: After applying the hair mist, gently comb your hair to distribute the fragrance evenly. This will help ensure a subtle and long-lasting scent.
  • Enjoy the Benefits: Your hair, especially if it’s clean and well-maintained, can hold fragrance for an extended period, making your scent linger throughout the day.

9. Use an eau de parfum (EDP)

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Using an eau de parfum (EDP) is an excellent choice to make your perfume last longer. Eau de parfum contains a higher concentration of fragrance oils compared to eau de toilette (EDT) and eau de cologne (EDC), which means the scent will be more potent and long-lasting. Here’s why using an eau de parfum is a smart option:

  1. Higher Fragrance Concentration: Eau de parfum typically contains 15-20% fragrance oils, while eau de toilette and eau de cologne have lower concentrations. This higher concentration results in a longer-lasting scent.
  2. Better Projection and Sillage: EDPs tend to project their scent more effectively, and the sillage (the trail of fragrance left behind) is stronger. This means others can smell your perfume even from a distance.
  3. All-Day Performance: Eau de parfum is designed to last throughout the day, providing a consistent and robust fragrance experience from morning to night.
  4. Economical in the Long Run: While EDPs may be more expensive upfront, you often need to use less of the product to achieve the desired effect, making it more cost-effective in the long run.
  5. Variety of Scents: Many popular and niche fragrances are available in eau de parfum formulations, giving you a wide range of scents to choose from.